Clans in Central Asia are political networks based on regional and tribal loyalties. Clans frequently control certain government departments, though there is fluidity between clan loyalty and membership in government agencies.[1] The people of Central Asia self-identified by their clans prior to Russian expansion in the 19th century. Ethnic identity did not come into play until as late as the 1980s during glasnost.[2]
There are three "wings," groups of clans, that control the Government of Kyrgyzstan. The Ong, the "right", the Sol, the "left," and the Ichkilik. There are seven clans in Sol, which is based in northern and western Kyrgyzstan, including the Buguu and Sarybagysh clans. The Buguu clan controlled the Kirgiz SSR until the Great Purge of the 1930s. Kyrgyz political leaders have come from the Sarybagysh clan since the rule of Stalin. In 1990 the clan used its influence to ensure Askar Akayev became the Secretary of the Kyrgyz Communist Party instead of southerner Absamat Masaliyev. Ong is one clan, the Adygine based in the south. The Ichkilik, is a southern grouping, but has non-ethnic Kyrgyz members. Prior to the Tulip Revolution of 2005 the Sarybagysh clan had control over the ministries of finance, internal affairs, state, state security and the presidential staff.[3]
The most powerful clans in Uzbekistan are the Samarqand clan, which has traditionally controlled the Interior Ministry and is allied with the weaker Jizak clan, the Tashkent clan, which controls the National Security Services and is allied with the Ferghana clan, and the Khorezm clan. Uzbek President Islam Karimov is a member of the Samarqand clan, which is based in Samarqand, Bukhara, Dzhizak and Navoi. The Tashkent clan is based in Tashkent and in Ferghana, Andijan and Namangan through its alliance. The Khorezm clan is based in Khorezm and southern Karakalpakistan.[1] The Ferghana and Tashkent clans are sometimes considered one clan.[4][5]